Monday, December 14, 2015

#MWBFCast: Episode 5 - Expelliarmus! And to all a good night!

Happy December, friends and foes!

Thanks for bearing with us as we finalized everything for this episode. The elves have been working overtime and so have we! 

In this episode, we talk about our families' Christmas traditions, discuss exciting updates about our lives, offer some of our classic science-related advice, and share some cool things for you to check out in the coming days. 

My Worst Best Friend is now available on Stitcher Radio and iTunes!

Thanks for listening! We plan to have an episode up the first Monday of every month. Be sure to come back next year for our first episode of 2016 - coming out around January 4th!

Join in on our next episode! If you have content suggestions or questions for the Worst Best Friends, connect with us on Twitter (@myworstbest@dustin_stucky@drewdonahoo or with the hashtag #mwbfcast), comment here, or email us at We hope to hear from you!

Monday, November 2, 2015

#MWBFcast: Episode 4 - Don't call it Turkey Day!

It's November, y'all! 

We're thankful you've been listening to our silly little podcast and are ready to pour our thanks all over you in this episode. Gear up for Thanksgiving with us!

In this episode, we figure out which Sex and the City characters we are, respond to listener mail, impart some scientific wisdom, listen to Dustin complain about what's in his craw, and we have a very special guest stop by as we offer Thanksgiving-themed snack recommendations for you to enjoy while you listen to our podcast. 

My Worst Best Friend is now available on Stitcher Radio and iTunes!

Thanks for listening! We plan to have an episode up the first Monday of every month. Be sure to tune back in next month for our last episode of 2015, coming your way on or around December 7th. 

Join in on our next episode! If you have content suggestions or questions for the Worst Best Friends, connect with us on Twitter (@myworstbest@dustin_stucky@drewdonahoo or with the hashtag #mwbfcast), comment here, or email us at We hope to hear from you!

Monday, October 5, 2015

#MWBFCast: Episode 3 - Are you wasting your potential?

Happy October, ghosts and ghouls! 

As the weather cools off and your costume planning heats up, kick back and enjoy our latest conversation. 

This month, Dustin and Drew taste-test some Cheez-It flavors, respond to some listener mail, take a Cosmo quiz, and listen to A Dollar in Change, a song by one of Dustin's students. As a special bonus, Dustin even sings a few bars of a musical number for you!

My Worst Best Friend is now available on Stitcher Radio and iTunes!

Thanks for listening! We plan to have an episode up the first Monday of every month. Be sure to tune back in next month for episode 4, coming your way on November 2nd, unless life gets in the way. 

Help us fill time on our next episode! If you have content suggestions or questions for the Worst Best Friends, connect with us on Twitter (@myworstbest@dustin_stucky@drewdonahoo or with the hashtag #mwbfcast), comment here, or email us at We hope to hear from you soon!

Monday, September 7, 2015

#MWBFcast: Episode 2 - Better than the local news.

Welcome back, dear listener! 

They said it couldn't be done, they begged us not to, but we made a second episode of My Worst Best Friend

In our second episode Dustin and Drew explore a number of new segments that we discussed in episode 1. We tackle all the issues; snack food, Facebook, local news, life insurance... wait what? Why on earth would we talk about... oh never mind. It's probably worth it. 

My Worst Best Friend is now available on Stitcher Radio and iTunes!

Thanks for listening! We plan to have an episode up the first Monday of every month. Be sure to tune back in next month for episode 3, which will blow away all expectations by being even better than episode 2!

If you have content suggestions or questions for the Worst Best Friends, connect with us on Twitter (@myworstbest@dustin_stucky@drewdonahoo or with the hashtag #mwbfcast), comment here, or email us at We hope to hear from you soon!

Wednesday, September 2, 2015

A Quick Update!

Hello, listeners!

First, many thanks to everyone who has checked out our first episode! We are thrilled that so many of you have checked us out and hope you'll stick around for a few more. We have recorded Episode 2 and it will be released on September 7th. Right now, we are planning on releasing a new episode on the first Monday of each month.

We want it to be as easy as possible for you to listen to us and have been working on making that a reality. Good news: we are now available on Stitcher Radio and iTunes! Subscribe to us on either of these and our episodes will automatically come to when they are released!

If you'd like to subscribe to us on Stitcher, follow this link or search for "My Worst Best Friend" in the Stitcher store. 

To subscribe to us on iTunes, follow this link or search for "My Worst Best Friend" in the iTunes Store. 

The best part is My Worst Best Friend is available for free on both platforms! Of course, you will still be able to stream episodes here on our site as well. 

If you have a moment, we would love if you would leave us a quick review on Stitcher or iTunes. 

As always, we would love to hear from you! You can connect with us on Twitter (@myworstbest, @dustin_stucky, and @drewdonahoo or with the hashtag #MWBFcast), comment here, or email us at

See you September 7th! 

Monday, August 3, 2015

#MWBFcast: Episode 1

Welcome, dear listener! 

The moment you have been waiting unending days for has arrived! Click below to check out the premiere episode of My Worst Best Friend. 

In this first episode, Dustin and Drew introduce themselves and then get down to the real brass tacks of podcasting - choosing a name for the series, selecting theme music, and develop content ideas. 

If you have content suggestions or questions for the Worst Best Friends, connect with us on Twitter (@myworstbest; @dustin_stucky; @drewdonahoo or with the hashtag #mwbfcast), comment here, or email us at We hope to hear from you soon!

My Worst Best Friend is now available on Stitcher Radio and iTunes!

Thanks for listening! We plan to have an episode up the first Monday of every month. Hope you'll join us again in September! 

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Friday, July 31, 2015

My Worst Best Friend: Your New Favorite Podcast

Holy cow. Prepare yourself for your new favorite podcast, My Worst Best Friend! 

Two college buddies and self-identified terrible best friends, Dustin and Drew, will present you with a monthly ear morsel of delightful conversation. It is certain to be a use of your time!

Stay tuned for the first episode! It's coming out soon. Like.. very soon. 

ALSO! Do you have ideas for content for the show? Topics you'd like us to chat about? Questions you'd like us to answer? Connect with us on Twitter (@myworstbest; @dustin_stucky; @drewdonahoo or with the hashtag #mwbfcast), comment here, or email us at We hope to hear from you soon!