Monday, October 5, 2015

#MWBFCast: Episode 3 - Are you wasting your potential?

Happy October, ghosts and ghouls! 

As the weather cools off and your costume planning heats up, kick back and enjoy our latest conversation. 

This month, Dustin and Drew taste-test some Cheez-It flavors, respond to some listener mail, take a Cosmo quiz, and listen to A Dollar in Change, a song by one of Dustin's students. As a special bonus, Dustin even sings a few bars of a musical number for you!

My Worst Best Friend is now available on Stitcher Radio and iTunes!

Thanks for listening! We plan to have an episode up the first Monday of every month. Be sure to tune back in next month for episode 4, coming your way on November 2nd, unless life gets in the way. 

Help us fill time on our next episode! If you have content suggestions or questions for the Worst Best Friends, connect with us on Twitter (@myworstbest@dustin_stucky@drewdonahoo or with the hashtag #mwbfcast), comment here, or email us at We hope to hear from you soon!