Monday, May 2, 2016

#MWBFCast: Episode 10 - Barack the Boat

Is it that time again? It feels like we were just here three weeks ago.. That'll teach us to be a week late again..

This month, we explore $3 wine, Dustin tests his pop culture current events, we bring back "A Word" (the segment only Dustin missed), and Drew reads a story he wrote in 2nd grade. There's something for everyone! 

My Worst Best Friend is available on Stitcher Radio and iTunes! 

Thanks for listening! We hope to have an episode up around the first Monday of every month. Be sure to come back for next episode - coming out around June 6th. 

Join in on our next episode! If you have content suggestions or questions for the Worst Best Friends, connect with us on Twitter (@myworstbest@dustin_stucky, @drewdonahoo, or with the hashtag #mwbfcast), comment here on the blog, or email us at We hope to hear from you soon!