Wednesday, October 5, 2016

#MWBFCast: Episode 15 - As Canadian as Squash Pie

Happy Halloween's Month, everyone! Did you miss us? Probably not possible, since our last episode came out mere moments ago. 

Anywho, in this episode, we review new (and returning) fall TV shows, watch Katie Couric make a sandwich, prepare for November by taking a quiz on Canadian history, snack on pumpkin (punkin) snacks, and talk sports! Obviously. What more could you ask for? (Don't answer that.)

Enjoy Katie Couric making a sandwich here: It's really quite a spectacle. 

My Worst Best Friend is available on Stitcher Radio and iTunes! 

Thanks for listening! We hope to have an episode up around the first week of every month. Be sure to come back for our next episode - coming out around November 7th. 

Join in on our next episode! If you have content suggestions or questions for the Worst Best Friends, connect with us on Twitter (@myworstbest@dustin_stucky, @drewdonahoo or with the hashtag #MWBFcast), comment here on the blog, or email us at We hope to hear from you soon!